Monday, June 16, 2008

//TODO tasklist in VS 2005

With the advent of Visual Studio 2005 the default behavior for listing the TODO that the developer writes has changed from Visual Studio .NET 2003

To enable //TODO and other Keywords for Task Expansion, add the keywords under the tasklist option.



To enable the tasklist
on the code section type the following

//TODO : Add collection parameters
public void Create(string username, string password)

Now compile the code.

To view the task list

open View ->Task List

It opens with User Tasks which is blank, change the User Tasks to Comments
Your task would be listed here.

View Task List

Double Click the Task to go to the Task Item when you are ready to perform the task.

Happy Programming,


Monday, June 09, 2008

Web Services SSL Error : The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

This error usually occurs if your CA client certificate is not installed in the Trusted CA Root in the computer where the web service call is being made.

Follow the procedures namely
Step 5. Install the Certificate Authority's Certificate on the Client Computer

as described in Patterns and Practices:
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Communication

Happy Programming,


Console Remote Desktop Connection Windows 2003 Server

For those of you who frequently utilize the 2 remote desktop sessions that comes with Windows 2003 Server. You can have a third one to the console (the physical server) if the console is not being used.

To use this you need to enable the console switch.

On a command prompt run the command:

mstsc /console

You would now be able to log into the console as a third session.

You can also use this to kill any idle session, when you get the "maximum users limit has been exceeded" message.

Happy Programming,
